Sunday, March 1, 2009

Me, you, the textroverts and our society

It was a nothing-kind of a sunday and i was desperately trying to find a new post for my blog. And then my mobile beeped. It was her(again). Oh i'm sorry i didnt tell you who she is! She describes me as her best buddy. She sends me 15 messages a day. She shares her darkest secrets with me. And she has been my classmate for the past three years. But hey, we do not talk to each other in class. Neither do we smile at each other, nor do we make eye contact. But still we're great friends. And tell you what, she is even a fan of mine in orkut ;-) .. psssshh!!

Weird? Welcome to the generation of TEXTROVERTS. The rapidly growing section of the society who were initially thought to be introverts but who have found out a new medium in the form of SMS to spill out the desires of their hearts. Ooops! Sounds familiar..?! You know them! I'm sure you have come accross that one single person who hardly had the guts to look into your eyes and the very next day he drops that 'whatsup' thingie!

And here's another googly. I have this habit of plugging my headphones and walking around alone in my hostel, even when my primary objective is not to listen to the music. In a way, what i need is that one excuse to block off raw contact with the bustle of life and not to acknowledge another person who waves at me. What i need is social insulation. Sounds fucking sad to me!!

I gave it a serious thought. On one side, we have the gradually corroding society with people floating apart from each other, constantly disconnecting from each other. And then on the other side, we have IP messengers, Social community websites and free messaging which acts as a medium for people to help "get wired" with others, help them connect and help them build relationships.

Let me qoute a few science facts from Daniel Goleman's 'Social Intelligence'
"Neuroscience has discovered that our brainls very design makes it sociable.During neural linkups, our brains engage in an emotional tango, a dance of feelings, which have far reaching consequences, that affects heart to immune system! Nourishing relationships have a positive impact on our health, while toxic ones can act like slow poison."

People need each other.People need each others company.Its important that we love and be loved. Because thats how we were designed to live. People are losing it. Damn. Technology might have given us reasons not to make friends, but our brain needs to get wired. We need relationships that can set our hearts high. We have to get back to our basics.The Textroverts and Messengers could just be the start we're looking for. But definitely not the solution. I somehow don seem to like that wall that comes between people! Be open friends. Its time to get out of our shell. Mingle, Jingle. Lets have fun:-)

The math-"For every hour people spent using the Internet, their face-to-face contact with friends, coworkers, and family fell by 24 minutes.

You cant get a hug or a kiss over the Internet :-)

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